Low Level Laser Therapy
It is a non-invasive measure to treat musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain.
I have been using this modality for about eight years. It is well tolerated. It is a non-invasive and non-destructive type laser. It has also the ability to reduce the edema, help lymphatic mobilization and treat the trigger points.
It has been used in treating other inflammatory conditions like fibromyalgia, hay fever or skin issues like psoriasis as well as conditions like tinnitus.
What is LLLT?
LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) is the application of red and near infra-red light over injuries or lesions to improve wound and soft tissue healing, reduce inflammation and give relief for both acute and chronic pain. First developed in 1967, it is now commonly referred to as LLLT.
LLLT is used to: increase the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair; resolve inflammation and relieve pain (analgesia).
The red and near infrared light (600nm-1000nm) commonly used in LLLT can be produced by laser or high intensity LEDs. The intensity of LLLT lasers and LED’s is not high like a surgical laser. There is no heating effect.
The effects of LLLT are photochemical (like photosynthesis in plants). When the correct intensity and treatment times are used red and near infrared light reduces oxidative stress and increases ATP. This improves cell metabolism and reduces inflammation. These effects can be enhanced with pulses however when analgesia is required there is a second mechanism which works best when a strong continuous beam is applied.
LLLT is popularly used for soft tissue injuries, joint conditions, neuropathic pain, non-healing leg and pressure ulcers.
There are certain protocols, which have been successful, and I will use them for treating the patients.
Below are several categories that these treatments have been shown to be successful (by anatomical location):
Migraine, Cranial fracture rehabilitation, Mandibular fracture rehabilitation, TMJ dysfunction
Ankle sprains, Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, Diabetic ulcer, lymphedema
Cervical disc lesion, Cervicogenic headaches, Cervical spondylosis, Neck pain, Occipito-atlantal joint dysfunction, Whiplash associated disorder
Shoulder and upper arm
Adhesive capsulitis, Biceps tendonitis/ strain, Clavicle fracture, Costochondritis, Humeral fracture rehabilitation, Infraspinatus tendonitis/ rotator cuff tear, Sub acromial bursitis/ impingement syndrome, Thoracic back pain, Post mastectomy lymphedema, Post-operative glenohumeral joint healing, Thoracic post-herpetic neuralgia
Carpal tunnel syndrome, Healing radius and ulnar fracture, Tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow, Olecranon bursitis, MCP joint arthritis, OA of cubital joint, OA of radial head, OA of wrist, Scaphoid and Lunate fracture
Sciatica from L5-S1 neural impingement, Sacro-iliac joint Pain, Coccydynia, Lower back pain, OA of the hip
Diabetic leg ulcer, Lower leg lymphedema, OA of the Knee, Tibialis posterior dysfunction
Fibromyalgia rheumatica, Thyroiditis
Dermatological & soft tissue injuries;
Atopic dermatitis, Cellulitis of the head, C-section rehabilitation, Diabetic ulcer on foot, Oral mucositis, Psoriasis, Skin lesions due to epidermolysis bulosa, Post-operative wound healing
Age related macular degeneration
Allergic rhinitis, Noise induced tinnitus, PTSD
For more information about the research and studies please refer to the links below;